Sunday, January 27, 2013

An Introspective Look

What are the first thoughts when taking; an introspective look at life?.....who we are as a person, how we represent ourselves to others...and do they see Jesus through us?

Those are my first thoughts anyway....and however they may differ from the person across the room, that's too, what make us unique individuals.

If there is fault within me that can single me out in a crowd, it is that I tend to stand back away from the limelight, if I can put it that way.

I have always been one to take a "backseat" because as I was taught, and it is something that still haunts me today is that; "other people have bigger life difficulties than me, so mine should take a backseat" and "what I want in life is only "a pipe dream" so why bother even thinking it!
As much as I don't want them too, they have been "haunted words" that have taken me down!

So "an introspective look" for me, means to somehow look outside the box; introspective; absorb my surroundings, reflect on my perception of how others see me, meanwhile I sit like a timid mouse in the corner waiting to be preyed upon by bigger and "more important" influential factors; waiting while they crush me down!

This goes deep within my head, like a throbbing pain that I can't rid myself of....I much to give back, but I have had so many dreams crushed by various factors......and as time slowly ticks away.....I so want this to be my legacy...

The pathway I have traveled, the pitfalls I have encountered, the struggles to get back and the rewards at the end of the journey...

Would I have wanted life any other way than it has been?

This my journey, my story, and NO, through all of the ups and downs, I WOULDN'T change a thing!

I trust in an All Knowing GOD, that has an "everyday:" plan, and though HE may hand us things that are going "out of control," He doesn't throw us anything we can not handle~


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