Thursday, January 31, 2013

All in a Box

All in a box or all in a picture?
If a picture tells a thousand words, than what could this picture be saying?

The stress of moving!

Yes the stress of a move can be at times of: grit your teeth, kick a few walls get the picture..however....

My first move or the move that has has the greatest impact on my life and  has  the most meaning to me, was when my family picked up all we could and loaded onto a Greyhound bus. This, back in the early '70's when I was barely out of diapers...
I don't quite remember things as they happened, but who would at 4 months shy of 3 years old.  However as my mom would tell things {and she was a great story teller} with the rumble of the bus engine coming up through the toilet bowl, as she would tell it, I thought I was a gonner when I went to sit on it...
Now there does not tell the whole story, but it makes for a good opening line...
In this current move however, everything started out to set the stage for a well planned event, but how quickly things can turn, because even though we knew well in advance that a move was nessacary, not only financially but also one that would give our little Emily the freedom of movement by the use of her "pacer walker" indoors that she so rightly deserves.
Yes this is a church picture, but if you look ever so closely, it the lower right corner of the stage, you might see Emily being guided along in a Christmas song.
This is what she needs and so too desires, as is witnessed by the sparkle in her eye every Sunday.  Even though her mobility restricts what she can do, it is quite evident in her smile and gaze, her love for life.
So this, if for no other reason, for her was a move of convenience.

School is another story....

As every child should have the opportunity to go to school at the earliest opportunity, this for Emily isn't going to be a reality something that was afforded her older sister.  However because Emily has a disability that requires her to have aids in the classroom, she can not go because of funding cuts for the disabled.
Now, what's wrong with that picture....

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