Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Opening The into A Lifetime Commitment


From where we were to where we are today, it is indescribably amazing how with a single breath of life how this two little lives could…The feeling, the knowledge that many lives’ were about to be forever enriched by these two precious gifts! The dynamics, how they changed, but like kids on Christmas morning, so too did we.

“Anyone who believes in the Son Of God has his testimony in his heart.” - 1 John 5:10

However; in ever thought or deed, any kind of “hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.” - Proverbs 10:12

If there is but one thing I have learned through all of life’s trials, it is that “GOD is not the god of mistakes, but rather HE refines us, giving us the right character traits to fit the circumstances which HE has chosen for us.
Now, I don’t even know if that makes sense, but one thing that I am sure of, is that the ONE GOD of heaven and earth is the GOD of miracles and second chances, I am proof of that as through a series of life events my life has been spared.
GOD has a purpose and a plan, however at one time that thought was the furthest thing from my mind!
Let this be your testimony; there is only one you so let your life’s message be one of desire and passion.  The passion that inspires others with life, however within too tells a story of mistakes made and hopefully lessons learned.  Never however, be afraid of those mistakes grand or small as every situation presents us with a unique opportunity to share what has given us the motivation to pick up the shattered pieces and move on.
Everything has progression; life moves on, but hopefully we will never find ourselves in the dark cavernous valleys place of hopeless desperation.

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