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Lose money to make money,; and boy, have I lost a lot, but on the flip side, I WOULDN'T change a thing!
Things happened; sure they did, but, I have learned a great deal too!
With God, and sadly without God in it!
Making it on my own and unfortunately or maybe fortunately, I did make some hard mistakes that I have to live with and that have made an impact on my life!
For the better, I might add, but at the time, I didn't think so!
Who ever thinks that it is the better when;
- you're severely injured as a youngster ,and climb back to the point where it is expected that you remember everything prior to the accident. ( isn't going to and didn't happen)
- try so hard in school to be accepted, that you throw a fit and (remember that is was back in the early 1970's) that you smacked with a ruler in the behind by the teacher for kicking over another students game.
- being taunted or bullied because you're away from class for a medical purpose, act or do things a little differently
- having the teacher or anyone in authority mess with your head so much that you are then ordered to under go weeks of unnecessary psychological medical testing.
- taunted or bullied all the more for being put back a grade, in a slower (modified) program, were consequently you straggle with classes and grades because school and "life" isn't as interesting as it used to be.
- having things that have you interest in school (Drama and English lit) and yet having other in authority tell you, basically tell you that your efforts are for not! Respecting and listening to, an older generation and their opinions!
- having bitterness well up into raging storm of discontent, depression, suicidal thoughts, going to the point of near destruction; wanting to destroy self but nobody else along the way!
- working long hours and spending long nights, sometimes getting home in the wee hours in time for sleep and sometimes not.
- loosing everything and escaping reality
- and being able to face the mistakes and start on the long road back
- starting out a fresh and a new in a different location, making new (better) friends and the freedom from a "new start"
- life, friends and a soul mate
- marriage and the struggle for a family
- God granting us the title as "special parents" to one healthy and one not so healthy daughter
GOD has granted me a talent and stories to tell
I hope you are waiting in anticipation as I am.....to tell them.....
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