From the very first word I penned, to the very last......I can truly say, that this my friend, is my manuscript complete!
It was a struggle to get started and struggle to many components....but I believe I have made it through...
To give you a run down of the story behind the story; is one that I wasn't sure would ever be written, because my friend, my life was almost cut short before it even started.
Five years does not a life make, however beyond two hands and two feet there was trials and defeat!
So when did my story begin;
March 17, 1973 running through present day; a whole lot of years, but those years have made me who I am today.
Given the opportunity to change things if I could, would I? The simple answer is NO!
GOD made me, and through HIS gift of a "free will" I alone made the choices I did! Good or bad, they were lessons I learned from...Seasons of change; there they were many, but I can honestly say that I am a better person for it...
A Lifetime Commitment is a story about a little girl, a family, overcoming struggles and heartache, but too one of determination and drive...and I am ever determined to keep that drive alive....
If you have read the majority of my posts, they have been about me, my family and that determination and drive which keeps me going day in an day out...
I thought this story was complete many years ago, but that was before my life became more challenging than before.....Would I change; the answer would still be NO!
My life was, is my journey toward a better understand of people and the human condition to overcome many an unforeseen obstacle...but again that takes drive and determination...
My life; won't you join me as I tell of "A Lifetime Commitment?"