Well, for one, what is on the outer shell is only skin deep and does not begin to tell the whole story.
So, what is the whole story?
The best form of writing come from what the writer knows best, and what I know best is putting one foot in front of the other and going forward. However, going forward is the easy part, not looking back is, I have to admit is the hardest challenge I have had to face so far!
This comes in large part from seeing what those before had to struggle through and endure; which for some was and is a life long struggle.
How true it is that everyone, no matter the era, age, culture or country has his struggle, but so too, each has his story
So this has been a long running desire of mine, to one day, piece together my various experiences; what I have witnessed and what I have experienced myself into, as it is, an informative non-judgmental package for all to enjoy.
Though I may appear to be a private and sometimes very isolated individual, my life is an open book if given the opportunity to share in a round table discussion.
I have always had my journal open; every scrunched up little scrap of paper that I have thrown into the trash probably has a mark of one of my every flowing ideas for a book or a series of books.
I can remember, in my early years being at Camp Squamish, which is a camp designed for the outreach and enjoyment of physically and mentally disabled young people in Bracken-dale, British Columbia and there I would start to lay down my thoughts.